As a businessman, success begins by looking out for a human need and meeting it; look out for a human need and go out to meet that need.
There are businesses that can never fail (as long as those operating those businesses are not squanderlous, or lazy) because they are tied to what people need whether in times of austerity or prosperity (food, shelter, heath, security etc).

If you set out to meeting human needs, as long as people exist, your business will exist; it will not fail.
As a businessman or woman, you must know your root, your source, and recognize your divine connection.

The Jews are so prosperous because:

1) They recognize God as their God, there is no idolatry with the Jews.
2) They recognize the synagogue
3) The Jew pays his tithe

Genesis 17:1-
When you stay connected to God, even at old age you will be fruitful and productive.
Any enterprise you put your hands is blessed because blessing is following you. It doesn’t matter the tide; what you carry is what is important.

Recognize your source; the government is not your source, that company you work for is not your source, your salary is not your source.

“The insurance for your life, your business, and prosperity as a Christian is God and His word and you must practice His principles; give God what is required of you – pay your tithe”.

Paying your tithe has nothing to do with whether you like to or not; it is not dependent on your emotions or sentiments. You give it because you recognize God and when the wind of adversity is blowing against other business, yours is founded in God and since you have recognized Him, nothing will happen to your business.

